Water is the biggest threat to homes. When you sit back and think of it, it makes sense. Wood will rot, soil can erode, and any hole in a house can allow moisture intrusion to wreck havoc.
Hydrology is the study of water. With Bonnie's background in hydrology, a standard home inspection turns into a study of drainage and the home's waterproof ability.
Understanding how water moves on your property (the drainage) is essential in knowing how to best protect your home. The absolute best test is to observe your home during heavy rainfall. Yep, grab your poncho and rainboots.
Suppose you are a raindrop and you hit the roof, what is the pathway to the ground? Or what if you fall at the corner of your property line, do you immediately soak into the ground or roll down a hill first...?
Suppose you are a raindrop and you hit the roof, what is your pathway to the ground? For example, do you run down the wall before hitting the ground? In another scenario, what if you fall at the corner of your property line? Do you immediately soak into the ground or roll down a hill first before collecting in a puddle? In the video below, you'll get a sneak peak how Bonnie looks at the yard slope and how the water runoff might behave.
If you'd like to gain more insight into your property's drainage, contact Bonnie at Honeybee Home Inspection by calling or texting 502-501-3553. Bonnie works weekends, too!